Fair Oaks Recreation & Park District
Enriching Lives through Exceptional Parks and Recreation Opportunities That Strengthen Our Community.
The Fair Oaks Recreation & Park District has been serving the community of Fair Oaks since 1945. Fair Oaks residents have a long history of dedication to parks, recreation, arts, entertainment, and culture. In 1945, the District was formed to provide recreation and park facilities, and programs. The District provides a wide range of recreation programming, including Events, Entertainment, Arts, Camps, Sports, Senior Activities, Youth & Teen Programs, Leisure Enrichment Classes, and year-round recreation programs. The District passed a general obligation bond for $26.9 million (Measure J) in 2018. The largest project under the bond funding is the Village/Plaza Park Renovations, including a new Community Center, Black Box Theatre, Amphitheatre, performing arts stages (3-4), arts & crafts building, ADA enhancements, etc. The project totals $21.75 million and begins June 2022.