THE ARTS ARE ON THE AGENDA - $2.8 million for the Office of Arts and Culture

The Measure U Community Advisory Committee is meeting on Monday, April 26 at 6 pm, and on the agenda is $2.8 million for the Office of Arts and Culture.

This issue will be presented during item 2 of the agenda titled Overview of Fiscal Year (FY)2021/22 Proposed Measure U (MU) Budget File.

Please JOIN the meeting and WRITE through ecomment or CALL in to let lawmakers know of the lasting impacts of this funding. The more they hear from us the better our outcomes will be.

Here is how:
1. The call will be live-streamed on the city’s website here

2. Write in using the ecomment feature here

3. Call in at (916) 808-7213 and Dial 2 to make a comment on Item 2

This is an opportunity to get some much-needed arts funding to our region.

Saba Moghtarer